Saturday, August 15, 2009

Listen to my Hero

Why we don't want nationalized health care...

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girl, grandsons and granddaughters; Its time to gather around the computer and listen to the wise words of
President Ronald Reagan.

Choose You Tube "Ronald Reagan speaks out against Socialized Medicine."

Believe it or not this speech is From the 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against Socialized Medicine as proposed by the Democrats, then a private citizen Ronald Reagan Speaks out against socialized medicine. There is no video because this was an LP ( Long Play Vinyl Record ) sent out by the American Medical Association.

Its remarkable how his words of advice fit the events of today and yet they were spoken in 1961. As Americans we must hold to the advice of our forefathers or we will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past or worse let our freedoms slip away along with the American dream. The audio is 10 minutes long, so make sure you have time to give him your full attention because he makes several very very good points that will help you understand what all fuss is about at these town hall meetings concerning national health care.

Old Al

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